Becoming a Kingdom Advancing Messenger means that you are ready to advance the Kingdom of God in cities, and nations, and are ready to be sent where God needs you. We have traveled throughout this nation from San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, Mexico, South Africa, and more to seek the face of God & do His will. This is a commissioning from our Heavenly Father to go out in the highways & byways to “compel them” to come into the Lord’s House!
God is calling this generation of radical worshippers, singers, dancers, flaggers, scribes, handmaidens, & menservants, five-fold ministers, to be filled with the Glory of God to transform the nations of the Earth. From the children in grammar school to the universities, God is raising a new breed of Apostolic Prophetic Warriors that will release signs, wonders, & miracles as a witness of the Kingdom of God on the Earth. Surely, the Lord is building a wheel within a wheel as Ezekiel prophesied.
Being a part of Kingdom Advancing Messengers requires us to continually seek the face of God, individually & corporately so that the Lord can manifest His will on Earth as it is in heaven. As we dwell together as a new breed generation, the true Spirit of Unity in the Lord comes to make us one with Him, then one with another that will transform the whole Earth.
Kingdom Advancers is a missionary group of young people & older, working together to restore David’s Tabernacle of pure holy worship in the cities & nations of the world. If you have a call on your life as a sent one, missionary, or prayer warrior who desires to impact the world with the manifest presence of God on your life, then pray about joining Team Advance: Kingdom Advancing Messengers.
(Click on the play button to watch the video testimony.)